Marilyn Barr, Paranormal Romance Author
Marilyn tries her hand at horror romance with
Clutching Cthulhu's Pearls...are you curious?
Harriett1922, Cypress Kentucky, USA
Does Leopold suspect me? My aging husband’s beady eyes are glued to his experiments and notes, but I twitch as if I’m the specimen he examines. His work created our menagerie of selectively bred and surgically enhanced animals—ugly snakes with mouse heads, birds with paws and puppy faces, and worse. They frighten me, but not as much as my future of lonely nights in an empty marriage bed. If we still lived in Boston, among the speakeasies and dancehalls, I’d get the attention I crave from men. With our long, platonic, unconsummated marriage, can Leopold blame me for skinny dipping in the swamp after his lantern goes out? But isolated on his estate, I refuse to give up my visits to the plant frons that give me more pleasure than a man ever could…
She comes to my lagoon when the moon rises. With her silky skin, shimmering hair, and sweet voice, she’s irresistible. Her moans and gasps of pleasure haunt me between her visits. Who is she? Where did Papa get her? After years of his silence, is she the next female he selected to carry my eggs? I can’t risk her fleeing in terror at my monstrous appearance, but it isn’t fair for her to believe my tentacles’ touches are innocent plants…How will Harriett react when Phin reveals his Cthulhu nature? What happens when Leopold catches them in the act—will he separate the lovers or incorporate them into his experiments?
Monsters have always existed. They walk amongst us or live in the shadows. Hungering. Craving. Looking for love. Are you ready to meet these swoon-worthy specters and creatures of the night? It's time for monsters...Clutching Cthulhu’s Pearls is a horror romance with oviposition spicy scenes, exhibitionism, and violence, written for mature audiences.

Meet Gleb & Hannah, the newest Fated Mates of the Chuchunya
It's summer in the Arctic Circle which means no night time darkness to hide the Chuchunya migration and no stars for an astrologist who's abandoned in the Arctic. Gleb lets his pleasure mate, Manya, down gently when he discovered Hannah is his dushevnayasvyaz. Hannah's boyfriend doesn't step to the side quietly, so Gleb does the unthinkable. Can Hannah forgive him? Should he have gone to such lengths to seize their destiny when they were strangers?

KRW Publishes First Anthology to Honor Deceased Member
Gamble your heart with the Kentuckiana Romance Writers and fall in love with our spicy, contemporary romances while raising money for a charity close to our hearts. From the winding roads of the Indiana Knobs to the horses grazing on bluegrass in Kentucky, you will be transported to the land of bourbon, derby hats, and dreams that come true. Our small towns host rockstars, bikers, shop owners, single parents, doctors, and other sweethearts waiting to sweep you off your feet and carry you to your happily ever after.
All proceeds from this charity anthology will be donated to PCAN (Pancreatic Cancer Action Network) in memory of one of our founding members, Lisa Tapp. She is greatly missed.

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Join Marilyn's inner circle by following her on Patreon. Subscription benefits include access to chapters as she writes them, Yule presents, paperback copies, and special edition book boxes. There's also an option to follow her journey without subscribing...but why miss out on the presents?
What is a Chuchunya?

Buried deep under the Canadian permafrost is a clan of snow monsters called Chuchunya. They are in danger of extinction, so their leader is desperate for kits. However, the individual Chuchunya await their soul-bonded mates, to chase them in the annual mating game where females decide who will spend the zima season in caves together, and who will be alone...
They are a match made in hell...
Running from a SWAT team in heels along the rooftops lands Embezzler Rachel in hell. If the demons think she's sitting through intake processing, they are as outrageous as their horns' accessories. She hides in hell's server room where the mortal world's computer glitches and internet crashes are unleashed. Spamato the Demon of Email Mischief takes her under his wing in this tongue-and-cheek demonic rom com that's hotter than...well...hell.